Thursday, November 7, 2013

Essay number 4 (Federal System)

The framers of the United States Constitution created a federal system.
 a) Define federalism
 b) Explain how the following has been used to increase the power of the federal
 government relative to the states.
  • Categorical Grants
  • Federal mandates
 c) Explain how the following have been used to increase the power of the states relative to
 the federal government.
  • Block grants
  • Tenth amendment

A)  Federalism is a constitutional division of power between levels (national and state) of government

B) Categorical grant:
A grant designed for a specific purpose. States must spend money in accord with national government’s wishes
  Federal Mandates: 

A federal government tells states what policies to implement

  C) Block grants:
Block grants to states have few strings attached, so states can make decisions about the details of where the money goes.

tenth amendment:  
It reserves power to the states and to the people  

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