Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Essay 21 & 22


a) Individuals can influence policy by exercising their rights to assemble and petition.
b) Grassroots mobilization is used to rally the support of the public. Lobbying uses direct contact with policy makers to try and effect their decisions. Litigation uses court decisions to gain policy preference.
c) Interest groups are forced to disclose all contributions, funding and activities.

a) The merit system is good for rewarding success and excellence.
b) The large structure of the federal bureaucracy allows it to be self-maintaining and independent. Having specialized units within the bureaucracy increased the complexity and allows it to be independent since it already has specialists in many areas.
c) Congress can use approprations to reward or punish an agency. The courts can make rulings which limit bureaucratic activity. Interest groups can use their first amendment to try and sway the opinions of the previous two institutions.

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