Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Essay 11 Incumbent Reelection Rates

(2001_2) the graph above shows reelection rates for incumbents in the House and Senate. From this information and your knowledge of of the US politics, perform the following 
tasks. (Fig 12.1)
a) identify two patterns displayed in the graph
b) identify 2 factors that contribute to incumbency advantage. Explain how each factor contributes to incumbency advantage.
c) Discuss one consequence of incumbency advantage for the US political process

A) two patterns displayed in the graph are the House typically has higher incumbency rates than Senate and Rates of incumbency are more stable in the House than in the Senate

B) 2 factors that contribute to incumbency advantage are Access to media and Campaign finance

C) one consequence of incumbency advantage for the US political process is that we would have
More established relations with interest groups


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