Monday, January 13, 2014

Essay Number 9 Media in Politics

DATA for 2009_4 (below)
Viewer’s Ages and Frequency of Viewing of Network Nightly News: 1974 and 2002 Combined
1974                  frequently (%)                    rarely (%)
18-29                  45                                                  13
30-44                  50                                                 12
45-64                  68                                                  8
65+                      71                                                  5

2002                 frequently (%)                    rarely (%)
18-29                  19                                                  22
30-44                  22                                                17
45-64                  40                                                  11
65+                      53                                                  8

2009_4. One of the most important ways the news media influence politics is through agenda setting.
(a)  Define policy agenda.
A set of issues, problems, or subjects that gets the attention of the people involved in policy making
(b)  Explain how the national news media engage in agenda setting.
The media raises awareness, provides information, demonstrates importance, and draws attention of policymakers
(c)  Explain the primary reason the president tends to have an advantage over Congress in gaining media attention.
The president speaks with only one voice to represent the nation while Congress speaks with many voices to represent the states/districts
(d)  Consider the table above.
-Describe the difference in the viewing patterns of older and younger age-groups.
-Describe the change from 1974 to 2002 in viewing habits that exists for all age categories.
1. Younger people watch less TV news than older people
2. People in all categories watched less News in 2002 than 1974
(e)  Given the information in the table, describe one implication for presidents in their use of the media to promote their political and policy objectives to the American public.
The nightly news is not as effective in promoting the president's policy agenda as it used to be.

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